Thursday, February 21, 2013

Upcoming Blogs.


So I've decided that I am going to be doing different things with this Blog, I made a list of things I will be doing.  It won't be done in order and I may not even do some of these Blogs, they are just ideas. 

Here is my list of things I have come up with so far:

  1. Day in a lifes
  2. Shows I'm loving
  3. Reviews
  4. Kid stuff
  5. Random things
  6. Hauls
  7. Unboxings
  8. Empities (seasonally)
  9. Monthly favourites
  10. Organizing
  11. Decorating
  12. Sport talk
  13. What I'm reading
  14. DIYs
  15. Movies I've seen
  16. Toddler topics

So these are just ones I can think of at the top of my head.  I'm sure I will do more blogs on different and other things.

Thanks for reading.

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